MedicalVitro S.A. sells Cytognos to BD to prioritize the market launch of their new and disruptive Molecular Biology and Anatomic Pathology diagnostic platforms31 de January de 2022
MedicalThe Vitro S.A. SARS-CoV-2 kits are able to detect and identify the Omicron variant.20 de December de 2021
ChemistryLaboratoryScientificVitro S.A. launches a first-in-class SARS-CoV-2 antibody test with unprecedented performance, to be used as a confirmatory test for the vaccinated population16 de February de 2021
MedicalVitro releases a PCR platform that multiplies the current diagnostic capacity of COVID-191 de October de 2020
ChemistryLaboratoryScientificVitro releases a new in vitro diagnostic test for the simultaneous detection of the virus of the COVID-19 and other 20 respiratory pathogens14 de July de 2020